Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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It is phonetic and morphological knowledge that distinguishes a language from other languages. Turkısh language differs from other languages due to having a suffixation tradition which generating and limiting each other with syntagm and paradigm order of the contrast. For this reason, examing the functions and shapes of the suffixes together matters for understanding this language. As a matter of fact, suffixes added to the word with the priority relationship have been the subject of many general and specific studies. In this study, the ±DAn form has been handled and has been tried to present in which functions of this form is used with reference to literary works. It is determined that ±DAn suffix which is considered only as “ablative case” in grammatical studies it has also the functions of genitive suffix, adjectivation suffix, derivational affix and gerindium suffix in addition to its ablative case in the evidence of the examined works. At this work, it will be discussed how the suffix in question that are handled under titles has been tackled and how it should be handled by linguists. Then, examples of these functions will again be presented as headings with the determination of the sub-functions of the suffixes.

adjectivation suffix, case suffix, derivational affix, gerindium suffix, genitive suffix

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