Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Despite having a universal structure, tales take on a new identity by being influenced by the social and cultural lives of the societies in the geography where they spread. In the tales that spread in oral tradition, societies' lifestyles, world views, beliefs and so on elements are found. In this respect, one can talk about a relationship between tales and cultural life. Tales that have survived until today by resisting the ages also offer us a panorama of an era. Taşeli Tales is a legacy left by nomadic people living in Taşeli Plateau to future generations. Although the origin of these tales is unknown, it is obvious that they contain elements belonging to the cultural texture of the local people. It is seen that some motifs that we encounter in fairy tales are shaped according to the social life and life of the society. In the study, 70 tale texts from Taşeli Tales compiled by Ali Berat Alptekin were included in the study. In this study, in which qualitative research method was adopted, content analysis was carried out by using document analysis and interview method. Thus, cultural elements related to nomadic cultural life in fairy tales were determined.

Taşeli Plateau, tale, nomads, culture, life.

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