Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Proverbs are appearances of people's lives reflected in literature. Commonly used objects, animals making day-to-day life easier, or concepts valued by people in a society all make their way into proverbs, which people often use to convey their thoughts and feelings to others. When Uzbek proverbs related to the homeland are examined, it is a remarkable situation that the homeland is compared with bravery several times and the homeland is linked to one of conditions of bravery. In addition to proverbs that mention about the importance of protecting the homeland, a great number of proverbs expressing negative situations such as treason and leaving the homeland is proof of how devoted Uzbek society is to the homeland. This study will evaluate Uzbek proverbs identified in various references about the homeland in terms of both their meaning and concepts they symbolize.

Uzbek Turkish, Proverb, Homeland, Uzbek Proverbs, Vocabulary

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