Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In many studies, differently named particles can be defined as auxiliary words that do not have a meaning on their own, and help to strengthen the expression and express some abstract concepts (constraint, reinforcement, reinforcement, suspicion, approval, etc.) by establishing interest between words connected to each other in a sentence. With these properties, they are often considered separate from prepositions. Like other auxiliary phrases, particles alone do not do the job of sentence elements. The word to which it is added does whatever element of the sentence does its task, the particle is also in the structure of that element. The particles differ from other groups of words in both meaning and grammar. The difference between a particle and a word is that the particle does not have an exact concrete meaning, they have an abstract meaning. They add various additional meanings, sentimental or modal meanings to individual words, sentence fragments, or the entire sentence. The particles, which are considered in a different group than prepositions in Kyrgyz Turkish, have been described by Kyrgyz grammarians as part of auxiliary words. Although these particles are given by Kyrgyz grammarians with different classifications, it can be said that they have roughly the same views on what the particle is as a concept. In this study, the functions of particles are tried to be given in line with the views of Kyrgyz grammarians.

Kyrgyz Turkish, particle, clitic, enclitic, functional word.

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