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There is a direct relationship between the biography and the work. While examining the language and subject of the works, it is also necessary to know the life of the author. Today, novelists and poets leave a lot of material about their biographies. As it is known, Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar passed away on January 25, 1962. Among the manuscripts left by Tanpınar, there are new documents that will increase our current knowledge about his artistic understanding and biography. You will find some of this information and documents in the article below. As can be expected, the manuscripts we have were written in old writing. Tanpınar made a number of changes on the manuscripts in question. Sometimes sentences, sometimes words were canceled, new sentences or words were added. If we consider the wear and tear of the documents due to the years passed, it will be understood how difficult it is to read the existing manuscripts. While transferring the manuscripts to the new article, today's orthography is taken into consideration. Sentences, phrases or words crossed out by Tanpınar have been largely removed from the text. However, we did not remove some sentences that we found important in terms of the information they carried, although they were crossed out by Tanpınar. In the biography of Tanpınar, cities such as Kirkuk, Mosul, Ergani, Sinop, Siirt, Antalya where he was due to his father's duty and Erzurum, Konya and Ankara where he worked as a teacher have a special place. In addition, Istanbul and Bursa are two important cities in Tanpınar's life. In the following article, there is information about the cities where Tanpinar passed his childhood or where he was due to his duty. There are also several sources of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar poetics. The first of these is the ideas coming from Yahya Kemal. The second is his interest in Ahmet Haşim's poetry. There is information on both subjects in the drafts below. But the major influence on his poetics comes from the well-known poets of nineteenth-century French literature. Gerard de Nerval, Charles Baudelaire, Stephane Mallarme, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Valery are the names influenced by Tanpınar's views on art and poetry. Almost all of the artists we mentioned are names with whom we can find relationships between their lives and their works. Tanpınar is one of the names with whom we can find connections between his life and works, just like the artists he was influenced by. In the following manuscripts you will find information about both his own life and his understanding of art, as well as the lives and understanding of the artists he has read and influenced.

Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Tanpınar, Biography, Poetics, Paul Valery and Tanpınar, Pure Poetry and Tanpın

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