Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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On the Words of Akın, Akıncı, Akıntı, Akar ve Akarsu
The words akar, akarsu, akın, akıncı and akıntı in Turkish are seen in Old Turkish and Karakhanid Turkish periods. Although these words preserve the meanings in which they were first determined, they also acquired different meanings. Sometimes the meaning in which the word was first determined has been lost, and the word has reached the present day with a different meaning. Some words have been reused in studies of finding correspondence to Ottoman words. The ways of derivation of the words akar, akarsu, akın, akıncı and akıntı, where they were first determined and their meaning’s changes in historical course, are evaluated. In addition to the forms of the words in the texts, their equivalents in the historical dictionaries of the Turkish language are also important in determining the meaning changes. By giving the meanings in the Turkish Dictionary and the Derleme Sözlüğü, it is seen that the meanings that existed in the historical period live in the dialects. It was also noted, that words that have passed from Turkish to other languages preserve similar meanings.

akar, akarsu, akın, akıncı, akıntı

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