Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In this study, which we have done in order to contribute to the determination of the poetics and poetic terms of classical Turkish poetry, it is tried to determine how the concept of "thought" is handled in a poetic framework in classical Turkish poetry. When the works determined within the scope of the study were examined, it was seen that the poets mostly used the words "idea and concern" in response to the concept of thought. Although these evaluation lines of poets who deal with thought in a poetic framework and touch on different aspects of the subject are scattered in their works, the compliment (fahriye) sections of odes (kaside) and pseudonym (mahlas) couplets (beyit) of lyrics (gazel) are seen as intensive evaluation sections. Some of the determinations and evaluations made by the poets regarding thought are as follows: “It is very important for the poet to have an original thought. Beautiful, admired and valuable poems can be written with an original thought. It is possible to create valuable and beautiful meanings and to write poems in new styles, thanks to a strong thought. Poetry is primarily shaped and formed in the world of thought of the poet. Poetry is the product of thought.” Poets also touched on different poetic aspects of thought by likening thought to many elements such as "bird, sea, pearl, magician, messenger, candle, rose" in their evaluations.

Thought, Classical Turkish Poetry, Poetics, Classical Turkish Poetry Poetics, Relationship Between P

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