Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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There are many examples in Turkish Language, which has a rich agglutination system, showing that a specific morphological function can be a performed by many morphemes. This situation can be both an inter-dialectal issue and a dialect-specific. For example, the morpheme that shows the event which will happen in the future occurs in many forms in historical and modern Turkish dialects. Another category which can be represented in different forms because of agglutination conditions, morphophonetic/morphophonemic processes, dialectal properties etc. in the paradigms is the copula. Accordingly, trying to analyze the morphological structure of Turkish language on the basis of the form causes different evaluations about which morphemes are included in this category. The function of +(B)O(l)- as a copula can be ignored or the examples given under the title of copula cannot perform this function. In the present study, the function of copula is dealt and under which conditions +(B)O(l)- performs this function is clarified with the examples form modern Turkish dialects.

Copula, +(B)O(l)-, function, agglutination, form

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