Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Orkhon Valley, which is on the borders of Mongolia at the present, it is an important region that is considered sacred by Hun, Köktürk and Uyghurs. There are many inscriptions, monument complexes and cairns in this region, which is used as the administrative center of all three states. Every year in Mongolia, dozens of international excavation teams conduct excavations and surveys in cultural and historical areas belonging to Hun, Köktürk, Uyghur and Mongolians in different regions of the country, especially in Orkhon Valley. Only one team from Turkey participated in the excavations of 2019 the number of teams in Mongolia is known to be around 70. Leaving aside the excavations organized by TIKA, it is seen that Turkish universities do not show the expected interest in the Mongolian geography. In this study, in the summer of 2019, determinations and evaluations will be made on the cairn excavation numbered IV in Ovör Khavtsal Valley near Karabalgasun, the capital of Otüken Uyghur Khaganate, carried out in partnership with Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University and Mongolia University of Science and Technology. As far as we know, the Uyghur Cairn Excavation Number IV in Ovör Khavtsal Valley is the first excavation carried out by a Turkish University in partnership with a Mongolian University in this geography. The aim of this study, based on the report prepared by the Turkish and Mongolian joint excavation team; To introduce the cairn, especially its architectural features, and to present the results of the relevant excavation to the scientific world.

Mongolia, Ovör Khavtsal Valley, Uyghur Cairns, Monument Complex, Excavations

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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