Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Twitch-letter; It is the name given to the works that contain comments and judgments about the involuntary contraction and shaking of the limbs and parts of the body from the head to the feet and the positive and negative indications of this situation in the future. The fact that these texts, of which many examples are given in Turkish literature from past to present, are nourished by the sense of curiosity of human beings, has been effective in their being widely read among the society. In this study, the copy of the Seğirname, which is located between 132a-134b sheets of a magazine in the personal library of İsmail DEMİR in Düzce, was transferred to today's Turkish with transcription letters and spelling and language features, arrangement and interpretations of the twitches were examined. In the last part, the original text is also included. It is aimed to contribute to new studies by examining this twitch in the personal library.

Twitch-letter, manuscript copy, twitch, Duzce, comment

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