Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Various occupational groups have emerged due to the needs of individuals throughout the history. These emerging occupational groups are very important in terms of indicating the culture and civilization and the richness of the social life of the society, they belong to. Turks who have been building a very high culture and civilization from the most ancient times, have been operating in many different professional fields and created different occupational groups over time. For this reason, it is significant to examine these stated occupations and review the language material related to them in order to see the culture and civilization of Turks in the past and the liveliness in their social lives. In this study, occupational names in Baburnama, which is one of the most important sources of Chagatai langauge and literature in the field of prose, are discussed. Occupational names in the work are classified and studied in terms of etynom and structure. In the conclusion section, the distribution of professions to business lines and their views in terms of etynom and structure are determined. The purpose of analysing the names of occupations is to reveal the social, cultural, military, artistic, economic and political life of that period within the context of vocabulary related to the names of occupations.

Chagatai Turkish, Baburnama, occupation names, etymology, title name.

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