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Coined by Aristotle, the term poetica in general refers to studies that describe how poetry and poets are supposed to be, in a sense to the theory of poetry. The poets of Diwan poetry tell their views about their own poems and poesy or the perspectives they adopt about poetry and poets in general, not via their independent works but via diwan preambles or the poems in their own diwan. It is likely to find the thoughts of poets about their own poems especially in the pseudonym couplets of their poems. This study, through which we would like to make a contribution to the studies conducted to introduce the poetica of diwan poetry, aims at presenting Azmizâde Hâletî’s poetry perception. Hâletî, who expresses his poetry through rhetoric, verse, dîwan, ode, words, opinion, meaning, proposition, line, verse, expression, poem and phrase, presents the characteristics of his own poetry through various similes, metaphors and figures of speech. The poet draws analogies between his poems and such notions as river, adam’s wine, sea of rhetoric, pearl drop, Holy Mary, Prophet Joseph, agarwood and white pine. While Hâletî describes his poems, he tells about some of their characteristics such as making the arrow of destiny jealous, making stop other poets writing and being affectionate. Azmizâde Hâletî, who has a rather sizable diwan, grew up in the 17th century poetry environment with his contemporaries such as Nef’i, Şeyhülislam Yahya, Nâbi, Naîli, Neşâti and we are of the opinion that establishing his thoughts on poetry would be important to make the poetica of Diwan poetry understandable.

Azmizâde Hâletî, Poetica, Poetry Perception, Diwan Poetry, Pseudonym

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