Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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It is a fact that the ways of benefiting from the tradition in modern Turkish poetry enrich the expression possibilities of poetry, although they differ according to the poet. It can be said that the relationship of modern poetry with tradition aims to find the past in the present and to go beyond the time. “Intertextuality” theory, which is one of the methods of benefiting from the tradition, is an attempt to read old texts with a new and different perspective. This theory shows that a text does not exist by itself and is polyphonic. Hilmi Yavuz is one of the important poets of modern Turkish poetry, who carries the traces of tradition in his poems. Approaching Yavuz’s poems in the context of “intertextuality” is important in revealing the relationship of the poet’s text with other texts in various ways. In this study, it is examined how Hilmi Yavuz, in his poem “usandık”, reread and repositioned the ghazel with the “usandık” redif of Nâbî, a 17th century Dîvân poet, in his text, and how he benefited from the tradition of Dîvân poetry. It is clearly seen that Yavuz, who consciously uses Dîvân poetry as an aesthetic measure in his poetry, brought a new perspective to his poetry by taking strength from the past.

Hilmi Yavuz, intertextuality, Nâbî, Dîvân poetry

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