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Sovyetbek Baygaziyev is an academician and u Kyrgyz folk poet who earned many official and unofficial literature and politics awards in his 76-year life as of 2021, has worked as a journalist, editor, lecturer, and director of higher education institutions. In 2007, he published his 176-page poetry anthology titled "???????? ???????? ?????? ??????", in other words, Poems of the Soul that Survived its Chain. (Bishkek: the Gülçınar, 2007, 176 p.) The book contains poems that draw attention to the social developments experienced in Kyrgyz society after the declaration of independence in 1991, the traditions and customs that are the elements of national identity, the decreasing interest in Kyrgyz history and language and even religion. In this work, the poet's "????????? ??? ????" (??????: ????????, 2007. 176 p), that is, the Eagle's Tear and "?????? ?????. ?????”(??????: ????? ?????, 2020. 212 p) meaning the Lonely Boat. The poems in the books of poems, which play an important role in the construction of "national identity" with the degeneration in society, were tried to be interpreted by examining the poems formed around concepts such as homeland, mother tongue, Kyrgyz culture, Islam religion and history. Soviet Baygaziyev experienced a national awakening and reflected the day-to-day destruction of his people in his poems in despair and with a great reproach. In her poems, he frequently used the words "mankurt" and "közkaman", which Cengiz Aytmatov used in her works. Contrary to what has been known for a long time, the question of "mankurt" is rather eloquent and open to discussion. The word "mankurt" is used figuratively to refer to a person who has lost ties to his historical, national roots and forgotten his kinship. In this sense, the word "mankurt" has become frequently used by Kyrgyz and Kazakh writers and poets.

Mankurt, Mankurtizm, Sovyetbek Baygaziyev, Kirgiz Poetry, Slavery, National İdentity, Kirgiz Nationa

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