Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The reform movements that began to develop in Russia in the 18th century gradually increased their influence in the 19th century, and in the early years of the 20th century, especially after the October Revolution of 1905, they experienced their most important years in the field of printing. Fatih Kerimi is the most important name who paved the way for Tatar modernization and founded the foundation of modern Tatar literature with the works he wrote in the 20th century İdil Ural field. He came to the forefront with the works he wrote and the Vakit newspaper he served as the chief editor, and the foundation of the Periodical Tatar Publishing, and his contributions to the development of the society. The importance of his works lies in revealing the problems he diagnosed in society as well as offering solutions to them. During his lifetime, he did not neglect to offer solutions to these problems he put forward in his works in which he depicts the abuse of religion, the prevention of women's education, the ignorant clergy who mislead the society, and the madrasahs that obstruct all kinds of innovations and become dysfunctional. In this study, social themes in Hıyal mi? Hakiykat mi?, which is one of the first products of Modern Tatar Literature and written by the author in 1908, will be discussed.

Fatih Kerimi, Jadidism, Hıyal Mi? Hakiykat Mi?, Social Themes, usul-i cedit.

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