Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Turkish language spelling rules and punctuation marks were classified in this article. The reasons for this classification were initially discussed, and then the classification was made. Two classifications were made regarding punctuation marks, yet no details were presented as the formal classification was not within the scope of this study. Since punctuation marks are functional writing units, they were classified in consonance with their functions in Turkish language. About twenty punctuation marks, which are commonly used in Turkish, were included in this classification. Considering the part of the study regarding spelling rules, the classification was grouped under three main headings based upon the spelling rules, and two main headings were depicted with four and two sub-headings within themselves. Headings about more than thirty spelling rules are available in Turkish Language Association Spelling Guide. Punctuation marks are also within these headings. The classification of punctuation marks and spelling rules is a matter of delay. The abundance of data revealed in terms of quantity and quality of studies on problems related to Turkish language spelling rules, especially in education and training practices, indicates that this issue should also be examined theoretically. As a result of the literature review, this study was conducted on the lack of classification related to spelling rules and punctuation marks in the Spelling Guide.

Punctuation, Spelling rules, Spelling, Classification, Turkish language spelling rules.

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