Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The two most important elements of sentence construction in the Turkish language are verb and subject. The subject, who assumed all the work in the sentence, is in some cases subordinated. In sentence fiction, pushing the subject to the second plan or dropping it out of use is called passivity. In the process of throwing the subject to the background, some derivational affixes are added to the verb that constitutes the predicate. Passivity in Turkish grammar studies is examined in the voice category of the verb, and passivity suffixes are described as passive verb derivative suffixes in the case of verb-type construction affixes. In this study, the issue of passivity in the New Uyghur Turkish is examined morphologically and semantically. Our aim is to reveal the formation of passive structures in the New Uyghur Turkish with synchronic and diachronic examples. In this context, first of all general views will be given on the issue of passivity in the Turkish language, following, passivity in the New Uygur Turkish will be evaluated in terms of morphology and semantics. State of using or not using the passivity suffix, it will be divided into two titles as passive morphology and active morphological passivity. If the not using of the affix or the condition of the attachment being on the reflexive, it will be evaluated in terms of semantics. Also, the effect of a participle affixes on passivity will be emphasized.

Passivity, active voice, participle, reflexive, government theory

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Email : turukdergisi@gmail.com

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