Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The effort to make sense of the situations and events around the human being from the beginning of life, the emotional states in which s/he is in, the need to be protected from dangers have been effective in the formation of various beliefs, one of these beliefs is the evil eye, whose roots go back to ancient times. The evil eye emerged as a result of feelings such as curiosity, fear, anxiety and uncertainty that people who started to explore the world they lived in. The person who observing his environment, considered some people and objects in a separate position from others and believed that they had a different power. These are used sometimes to suppress different emotions and sometimes to improve their situation. Beliefs shaped by such factors have been passed down from generation to generation by taking power from interpersonal interaction in environments where society comes together. The evil eye, which has been in the flow of life since the earliest times, has also existed in oral culture products such as proverbs and idioms. Proverbs and idioms, which are among the oral culture products, have functions such as establishing the connection between the past and the present, and ensuring the continuity and permanence of the culture, help to convey the knowledge, interaction and experiences of past generations. In this study, the evil eye will be explained taking into account the history of culture and practices in daily life based on examples chosen from Ömer Asım Aksoy’s Proverbs and Idioms Dictionary I-II.

Evil eye, proverb, idiom, oral culture, history of culture.

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