Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Abiş Kekilbayulı's Küy/Melody story and first mankurts Abiş Kekilbayulı is a writer who has tried to write works that dealt with people in a universal sense by going beyond the narrow boundaries of socialist realism since his early works and took a pioneering role in Kazakh literature in this respect. In this study, the story of Kekilbayulı named "Küy/Melody", which is one of the early works, will be analyzed by taking the issue of mankurtization into the center, and how a tragedy that extends from individual to society is set up will be revealed. Kekilbayulı, who dealt with the issue of mankurt twelve years before Cengiz Aytmatov's novel The Day Lasts Longer Than Hundred Years, put art and conscientious values against war and cruelty in this story, and wrote one of the most successful psychological analysis examples of Kazakh literature with the dream motif and internal monologue technique. Describing the internal conflicts of the individual and universal human values, the author, using the legend of mankurt/dullness in the memory of the Central Asian Turks, gave a message of brotherhood to the Turkish tribes under the Soviet rule criticising feudalism. This first text, which deals with the issue of mankurt in Turkish world literatures, reveals the dimensions of the cruelty that emerged as a result of the hatred caused by the conflicts of brotherly peoples, while also pointing indirectly to the importance of national memory and common past.

Abiş Kekilbayulı, story of “Küy/Melody”, mankurt, mankurtism, Cengiz Aytmatov, The Day Lasts Longer

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