Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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After the Turks accepted Islam, they applied to the Holy Book of the Quran and then to the hadiths in order to learn the teachings of this religion from the primary source. Along with the translation activities, stories of prophets based on holy books and hadiths began to be written and the groundwork was laid for the formation of a type called ?ı?a?ü'l-Enbiya or ?ı?a?-ı Enbiya. There are various studies in Turkish language sources related to ?ı?a?ü'l-Enbiya written in Harezm and Anatolia, but there is no determination or evaluation of the work written in the Mamluk field. This work, which is believed to contribute to the literature, has been examined in a way to reflect the distinctive language characteristics of the period or field in which it was written. In other words, the phonetic and morphological features that appeared in the work were revealed. In this context, the orthographic properties of all vowels and some consonants and in the determination of the area where it was written, some linguistic features that have decisive features were emphasized. While evaluating the linguistic features of the work, it was underlined that it did not present a consistency in terms of phonetics and morphology. It has been pointed out that some of the rules set forth in some studies in the Mamluk field are not valid in the work.

Mamluk, ?ı?a?ü’l-Enbiya, Kipchak, Oghuz, orthographic properties, linguistic features.

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