Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Smallish toponomy (microtoponomy) can be defined known only by the inhabitants of a settlement mountain, hill, field, location, stream, pasture, well, flood crevices, etc. place names such as. As well as the declaration's work Şecere-yi Harezmşâhî is a first-hand historical source, it offers important content for the existence of words in special the smallish toponomi. In this study, smallish toponomy will be classified, the place name included in the special name will be given with the place number it appears in the work, and the place names not included in the special name will be transferred with the sample sentence selected from the work. In addition, other place names will be examined indicating the place and location in a separate title. In this way, based on the work, an attempt will be made to contribute to place names that have an important place in the rich word presence of the Turkish language.

Beyânî, Şecere-yi Harezmşâhî, vocobulary, smallish toponomy, place

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