Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Azize Jafarzade (born in 1921- died in 2003) is one of the important authors of 20th century Azerbaijani literature. Azize Jafarzade has written works in the genres of stories, long stories, novels, plays, fairy tales, memoirs and travelogues. She is also an academic, journalist, researcher, translator and meticulous folklore collector. Azize Jafarzade is known for historical-biographical novels and long stories. Her first literary works were in the form of stories and began to be published from 1938. After the first stories of the author's language and style such as Ezrayıl, Xezer, Din Direyim, Gülüş, İntizar, Araz Qızı, Yuxuda and Terlan, it is seen that the choice of subject is very rich. The influence of Socialist realism in the author's early stories is greater than in his later works. With the beginning of the World War II, the subject of these stories also changed and she wrote works telling about the defense of the homeland and the struggle of the children of the country for this cause. During her 65 years of writing activity, the author wrote not only works on socialist realism and war, but also many stories about the social, literary and cultural life of Azerbaijan. The year 2021 is the 100th anniversary of Azize Jafarzade 's birth. On this occasion, we classified the stories written by the author during his 65-year writing activity between 1938-2003 according to their subjects and prepared them for publication in 2 volumes. In this article, the stories of the author that we have classified under 11 main titles in terms of content will be examined in detail.

Keywords: Socialist Realism, satirical story, family-cost issue, World War II.

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