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Çislitelnoye 50 v Turetskom Yazıke
This article was written by the Russian Turkologist V. A. Gordlevskiy, who is known for his studies on the language, literature, folklore, ethnography and history of the Turks. The article, published twice between 1945 and 1961, focused on the origin of the numbers 50 and 10 and the number 5 in the Turkish language. Although many articles have been written by local and foreign researchers on the origin of number names in the Turkish language, this article by Gordlevskiy is important as it is the first study to provide comprehensive information on this subject. firstly considering the fact that the body organs in the formation of the basic number system in the Turkish language - in the form of counting fingers - are closely linked, Gordlevskiy investigated the number names concurrently (~ synchronic) and diachronicly (~ diachronic).

Number names in Turkish language, count, the number 50, the number 10, the number 5

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