Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The semantic universes of Classical (Medieval) Turkish poetry consisted of combinations of unique instrumental elements such as words, expressions, discourse patterns and figurative language. Undoubtedly, the two main subjects, the poet and the reader also were the decisive in the determination of universes of meaning in the classical Turkish poetry. Both domestic and foreign researchers have debated for centuries the ability of poets to express and make sense of the human's boundless world of emotions and thoughts with given tools. The methods by which the cultural codes in the language will be analyzed have also been decisive in making sense of the poems. In this article, it has been investigated which methods can be used to analyze the meaning universes of Classical Turkish poetry and what place of the typology of Classical Turkish poetry might have in the determination of these methods. For this purpose, firstly, the "second language" that involved cultural features as well that the Classical Turkish poet used and coded the world over, and the equivalent of this language in the reader of the period were tried to be revealed. For this reason, this idea has been tried to be grounded by claiming that Classical Turkish poetry can be examined with methods such as "identity aesthetics" and "contrast aesthetics". In addition, it has been tried to be grounded that the typology of Classical Turkish poetry is also decisive in the selection of the methods to be used while researching this poem. It is thought that the findings of the study will contribute to future studies in the field.

Classical Turkish poetry, research methods of the field, characteristic, typology, poet-reader relat

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