Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Many works have been written throughout history in order to perform the pilgrimage correctly and safely. These works, which were written in general, are menâsik-i hac, explains how to make the pilgrimage, and menâzil-i hac, which describes the pilgrimage route. The manuscript named Delîlü’l-Huccâc ve’l-Ümeyyîn fi-Tahsîl Umûru’d-dîn was written in the menâsik-i hac type. However, at the end of the information about pilgrimage mansions is also included. The only identified copy of the work is registered in the National Library with the place number 06 Mil Yz A 9156. The author of the work is not known, but it is understood from the manuscript that there are other copies of the work. The work, which has 120 pages was written in nesih script and is with vowel pointed. In the first pages of the work, the author gives information about the name of the work, the date of writting the work, the purpose of writing the work and the content of the work. The language of the work, which was written especially to guide illiterate Muslims, is simple and understandable in accordance with this purpose. In the work, the features of Old Anatolian Turkish are seen from place to place. In this study, the work named Delîlü’l-Huccâc ve’l-Ümeyyîn fi-Tahsîl Umûru’d-dîn was introduced in terms of form and content features, and the phonetic features of the work were examined.

Delîlü’l-Huccâc ve’l-Ümeyyîn fi-Tahsîl Umûru’d-dîn, Old Anatolian Turkish, vowel pointed text, menâs

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