Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Aruz (?aruz) measure originated in Arabic literature. It was systematized by Khalil b. Ahmad [d. 175/791] in the 8th century in Mecca. The measure passed from Arabic literature to Turkish, Persian and Indian literatures that accepted Islam. Prosody meter constitute from the original roots (salim) and the branches (fer?) that are formed by their modification. Detection of prosody is based on the situation of animated and calm letters. The difference of a branch from the others is revealed by situations such as from which main root it is derived from, what the action of the letters at the end is, and whether it ends with two calm letters. Accordingly, as the names of the figures change, the same-looking prosody meters also change when the application is made. Main roots and branches of Arabic prosody, which are the subject of this study, like mefa?ilün ~ mefa?ilan, mefa?il ~ mefa?ilü ~ fe?ulün, fe?ul ~ fe?al, müstef?ilün ~ müstef?ilan, fa?ilatün ~ fa?ilatan ~ fa?iliyyan, fa?ilün ~ fa?ilat ~ fa?ilatü ~ fa?ilan, fe?ilün ~ fe?ilat ~ fe?ilan, fa? ~ fa?, mef?ulat ~ mef?ulatü ve fa?lü ~ fa?lün ~ fa?lan are separate from each other due to their different movements. This situation also changes the prosody meter that the branch creates with other original roots and brunches.

Prosody, meters, original roots, branches, parts

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