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Yenisehirli İzzet who one of the poet of XIXth century when Divan Literature was struggling to survive, passed away before he reached 40 years old in Yenisehr-i Fener in H.1237 (1821/1822). İzzet was a Mevlevi and an educated poet. His only known work is Divan. One of the known copies of his Divan is recorded with the catalogue number of T811/00152 at Galata Mevlevihane catalogue in Suleymaniye Library and it consists of 86 leaves. Izzet lived the turbulent years of the Ottoman Empire. He witnessed to Tepedelenli Ali Pasha's revolt. This event has occurred in the Balkan region where inhabited by İzzet. Because of the weakness of the the state, İzzet was in economic and psychological distress as the people of that period. İzzet has used an incomprehensible language. He has wrote Arabic and Persian poetry. At the same time due to under the influence of Local Movement, he uses new saying and cliche. Especially he has perceived deep images which come from Sebq-i Hindî and he search for new mazmun. We can understand it easily from the poetry of him. Sometimes he has dealt with social problems by the effect of Nabi. Therefore, he also wrote poetry in Hikam Style. Throughout the study, about the life and literary personality of the poet’s examples are given from the Divan.

Keywords: Yenişehirli İzzet, Dîvân, Versification, XIXth Century, Mevlevism, Localization, Sebq-i Hi

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