Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The position of the lover and the lover in classical Turkish poetry determines their anger style. The sultan beloved, powerful and superior position, in the form of wrath; The slave lover, on the other hand, shows his anger in the form of reproach, the lightest form of anger, with his weak and inferior position. The anger styles of the beloved and the lover also have the feature of reinforcing their position. The reasons that incite the beloved to wrath are the behaviors of the lover that are accepted as a fault within the framework of the superior-subordinate relationship. These behaviors, which do not cause anger under normal conditions, are considered disrespectful, as they are against the rules of "council of sultans". The main reason for the lover's anger is the injustice done by the beloved. The beloved's preferential treatment, especially against rivals, pushes the lover to anger with jealousy. His reaction is only at the level of reproach. Poets make use of the possibilities of language to reflect the lover's anger in the form of reproach, which is on the thin line between anger and sadness. At this point, it was seen that the poets used the following methods: Using imperative sentences, question sentences; making savings in the arrangement of the elements of the sentence; again to concentrate the emphasis on words and expressions that will express anger. In the classical Turkish poetry's understanding of love, within the framework of the understanding that "everything that comes from the beloved is precious", the lover's wrath and anger are also transformed into positive. Poets have associated wrath and anger with many positive concepts around this feeling and thought. In this study, it has been tried to show the anger, reasons and expressions of the beloved and the lover through sample poems.

Wrath, anger, reproach, beloved, lover, classical Turkish poetry.

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