Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Idioms and proverbs, which have an important place among the vocabulary items, give information about a nation’s life experiences, perspectives on life and ways of perceiving it. Proverbs appear as experiences that have passed through the years. Idioms are valuable as processed forms of the word and they enrich the language by expressing the situations and behaviors encountered in an attractive and effective way by making use of all the expression possibilities of the language. In this study, the proverbs and idioms in the manuscript called Dâfi'ü'l-hüzn, which is a kind of anthology, are discussed. While examining the proverbs and idioms in this book, today's usages in the same form or meaning and differences in meaning, if any, are also indicated. In addition, an example from the text is also given to testify the meaning. As a result, 6 proverbs and approximately 378 idioms were determined in the text. It has been seen that some of these idioms and proverbs are still in use today and some of them differ in meaning or continue to be used with some minor semantic nuances. Also, the abundance of idioms formed with organ names and the words akıl and gönül/hatır draws attention.

Dâfi’ü’l-hüzn, idiom, proverb, manuscript, vocabulary.

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