Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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While it is natural that authors are influenced by each other, it is interesting enough to emphasize on the matter as these relationships are the most important field of the study of comparative literature and intertextuality theory. In this study, the early and first voice, the herald author of National Literature Mehmet Emin Yurdakul's poem Anatolia and one of the authors of Fortressers (Hisarcılar) community in the Republican Turkish Poetry, Yavuz Bülent Bakiler's poem I am Anatolia, were determined according to the theory of intertextuality. analyzed and compared according to the comparative literary theory. In our article, after giving a brief history of comparative literature and summarizing the existence layers in the literary work according to ontological method, evaluations have been made in the context of part-whole relations by trying to separate sound layers, meaning layers, different schematic view layers, destiny layers that are intertwined as existence layers in the literary work. While the poems based on common words starting from the word Anatolia are similar in terms of sound layers in general, they are differentiated on the basis of the styles and textuality criteria of two different poets in particular. In the title of conclusion, the borders of the similarities between the two poems were determined without ignoring the social and political conditions between the different dates when the poems were written; it was determined that the Anatolian realities described in the two poems overlap, that the ill destiny of Anatolian / Turkish people did not change and common motifs, similar language and style were used when depicting Anatolia.

Mehmet Emin Yurdakul, Yavuz Bülent Bakiler, Anatolia, I Am Anatolia, Poetry, comparative literature,

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