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Considering the exchangable usage between the term of “cönk”and “mecmua” in ancient resources, the meaning of the “cönk” from the perspective of the literature can be clearly understood.In addition to the being a kind of poetical “mecmua”, “cönks” can be defined as an compilation that is generated by utilizing various linguistic properties in folklore or a kind of collection or anthology that is composed by the authors according to the their literary imagination and talents. However, researchers are not in consensus about the common name of manuscripts for that the “cönk”is used. Especially, using the cönk keyword that is originated from the Cava and Malaya languages to describe the manuscripts in which there are poems from poets and compilations is unusual and difficult to understand. The answer for this dilemma should be searched in the Persian language and culture that directly effectour literature after entering the Islamic world.Actually, the discussions about the correct definition of the cönks can originate from the lack of detailed investigations of them.After completing detailed examinations about the cönks, it can be possible to make a common description of cönks.

Niğde region, cönk’s, folk poets

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