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The Qadr Night which is in the month of Ramadan, is a holy night whose name is clearly mentioned in the Qur’an. The Qadr Night, which is described as the night of peace and better than a thousand months and the angels will descend until the morning, is not clearly known when in the month of Ramadan. Because of all these features, our nation has shown the necessary sensitivity to this holy night in every period and tried to revive the night properly, and this effort and value has found its way in Divan poetry. In the Divan scans made on the subject, usages related to the Qadr Night are encountered in almost every verse form and type. The Qadr Night, which is sometimes mentioned in a couplet, can sometimes be the subject of a poem. It is seen that the Qadr Night has a very wide usage area, both literally and through similes and metaphors. But it is seen that poets prefer some of these uses more than others. Poets have generally associated this night with the hair of the lover and the reunion with the lover. Again, when discussing the Qadr Night, they talked about its value and even made this night a means of prayer.

Divan poetry, Qadr Night, Ramadan.

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