Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The effects of the Covid-19 epidemic and severe economic conditions in 2021 were experienced intensely in Turkey. De-spite of these negativities, studies, based on the Book of De-de Korkut has been continued. Widely known as one of the main manuscripts of Turkish culture and prime example of the oldest genre of Turkish literature -epic-, Dede Korkut Kitabı (Eng. Trans. The Book of Dede Korkut/The Book of Grand-father Korkut) was improvised by a Turkish ozan (Minstrel) Dede Korkut who also called as Dedem Korkut (My Grand-father Korkut), Korkut Ata (Ancestor Korkut) among Turks. As it is known, the studies based on the Book of Dede Korkut has been carrying out on the basis of the Dresden and Vatican copies and the Günbed Manuscript. On the basis of the Book of Dede Korkut, many popular, scientific, cultural and artistic forms of work were carried out, and organized events in 2021 in Turkey. In what form and in what quantity these works were produced; what causes and motives are af-fected in terms of quantity and form; -if any- what are the levels of these effects and effect values are the questions that this article focuses on. Being focused on this very question, I aimed to evaluate Dede Korkut studies which appeared dur-ing 2021. This very statistical, annotative and comparative evaluation on these studies has addressed them in the light of folklore theories. As a result, it is seen that above-mentioned events related to The Book of Dede Korkut have influenced them in positive and negative aspects.

Book of Dede Qorqut, narration, publication, Turcology, culture

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