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Tatars are one of the nations that have passed through different periods, cultures and civilizations in the historical process in naming entities, movements and concepts. The tradition of naming is of great importance among the Tatars as well as among the peoples of the Turkic World. The tradition of naming in the culture and folklore of the Tatars, one of the important members of the Turkish World, has a very colorful and rich background. In Tatars, choosing a name, which is the first stage of naming, was given great importance and it was believed that the name of the person determined his destiny. It was thought that a beautiful name would protect the national spirit together with its owner and provide a vigorous awareness to the people. Folk belief is that a beautiful name will have an impact on a person's character. It is known that different factors were effective on the naming tradition among Tatars in the historical process. Personal names in Tatars and the historical development process related to them depended on different motives. Issues such as the paganism, the religion of Islam and the effects of Islam on naming, the Bolshevik Revolution and its effects on Tatars’ naming traditions, the post-USSR period and trends in this period can be considered as some of these motives.

Tatars, onomastic, name, naming traditions, personal names

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