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Tevfik Fikret, one of the founding names of modern Turkish poetry, is one of the most talked-about names in our literary history, both with his art and his personality. "History of Ancient" which is one of the main reasons for the polarization around him ignited many debates. Although there are hopeful lines in the poem, the pessimism of Tevfik Fikret, who is suspicious of everything in the poem, draws attention. Believing that the past is always woven with disasters, Fikret, thinking that the future will be like this, has described the history of humanity as a long night. It was thought that Fikret was referring to the Qur'an with the expression "book of fossil" and he was accused by some of being a skeptic, positivist, materialist, and atheist. Under these accusations, two contemporary names of Fikret, such as Ahmet Esat Sezai Sünbüllük and Mehmed Ali Aynî, discussed "History of Ancient" from their own perspectives. According to this, Sünbüllük said that if poetry is looked at in the light of Islamic philosophy and mysticism, the strength of Fikret's faith will emerge; Aynî tried to show Fikret's thoughts that evolved from skepticism to atheism and came to the conclusion that he denied religion. In this article, the views of Sünbüllük, who tried to prove the correctness of Tevfik Fikret's thoughts in "History of Ancient", and Aynî, who was against these thoughts, were discussed.

Tevfik Fikret, “Târîh-i Kadîm”, Ahmed Esad Sezai Sünbüllük, Mehmed Ali Aynî, Islam, atheism

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