Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Minstrel literature has an important place in the Turkish cultural tradition. There are many minstrels who have grown up in the tradition of minstrel literature. One of these minstrels is undoubtedly Minstrel Seyrânî. Minstrel Seyrânî is one of the leading minstrels of minstrel literature and satire forms the basis of his poetry. Seyrânî is a minstrel who has come to the fore with his satirical poems until today. He lived in the period when the economic and political depressions of the Ottoman Empire were most intense, and this period laid the groundwork for the formation of his literary personality. Although Seyrânî is known as a satirical poet, many concepts about human have been included in his poems. One of these concepts is the heart. The concept of heart, which entered Turkish folk poetry with Yunus Emre in the 13th century, has been used by many poets in their poems after that. The heart, which started with the poems of Yunus Emre, has become an indispensable subject in both Classical Turkish Literature and Turkish Folk Literature. Although not as much as Yunus Emre, the concept of heart is a concept that has found its place in the poems of Minstrel Seyânî with various aspects. Because the heart is the house of Allah because it is the place where love manifests. To break the heart means to hurt Allah, to destroy the house of Allah. Breaking a heart means not being happy in both worlds. In this study, the concept of heart in Seyrânî's poems will be discussed and interpreted from various aspects.

Develi, minstrel, Minstrel Seyrânî, human, heart.

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