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The ultimate goal of education is to develop people mentally and moral and to gain the ability to be a good person. Ethical and moral values are learned by parents, teachers and educational programs. Proverbs and idioms are effective in making them permanent in a short time. Visually written proverbs on the classroom and the surrounding boards can be unconsciously placed in the memory. The purpose of this article is to discuss how can be used proverbs and idioms to teach values. Participants of this research are students of Faculty of Education of Manisa Celal Bayar University who attended “Ethics and Moral in Education” course at 2020-21 academic year. Students shared examples of proverbs based on real life situations of people. It was found that the proverbs related values such as “honesty, cooperation and diligence were mostly repeated. These proverbs are: “ The liar's house burned down, no one believed” and “one ne hand washes the other and together they wash the face”.

Proverbs, Idioms, Values Education., preservice teachers

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