Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The tradition of naming and naming is an ancient tradition and there are some patterns related to this tradition among the things that have developed depending on the human and its production. Because, by the nature of his natural existence, man is an entity that tries to make sense of his environment and, as a result of these interpretations, makes various definitions. Place names, which may have an important place in the transmission of historical information of societies, have emerged as a product of collective memory. Our research includes Forensic Science and Folklore as an interdisciplinary study. In the study, the source of the place name of Sakarya province, district and village (neighborhood) settlements and data obtained from the source persons are included. The study was revealed from the texts compiled in the graduate thesis. The thesis was created by compiling and analyzing the information obtained from the interviews with the headman of the settlement areas. There is a place name sample of 16 districts and 667 villages (neighborhoods) connected to the districts. In this context, there are 470 place-name resources suitable for processing in the thesis. In the research phase, the thesis will be analyzed in three parts. In the first part, there will be book information about the province. In the second part, basic information related to the naming tradition will be found. In the third part, data and analysis of place names will be given. In this article, along with the classification study, an example is given for each item and the analysis of the compiled material is included.

Turkish Folklore, Onomastic, Toponymy, Sakarya Province

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