Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Existentialism, which tries to reveal the essence of human beings and emphasizes the importance of being human, proceeds through certain themes. These are concepts such as existence, nothingness, depression, freedom, alienation, responsibility, loneliness. Humans, while forming their essence, gives a spiritual war under these themes. Factors such as the advancement of technology, the loss of values, and the alienation of people from nature are the results of existential themes. The long story named Şebek Romanı, written by Ayşe Şasa in 2004, focused on the concept of religion. Drawing attention to corruption through the concept of “şebekleşme”, Şasa has constructed the techno-civilization of the year 2075. While advancing through the concept of religion, the heroes embarked on a journey to find their own essence. This journey passes through existentialist themes. The heroes living in the techno-civilization she has constructed, bear the traces of existential themes. In this article; Şebek Romanı, a sci-fi parody, and story of the heroes that carry traces of existential themes were examined. Based on the concept of religion, the traces of the existentialist themes that the heroes were influenced by while reaching their essence were tried to be determined. The examination is divided into four sub-titles as depression, loneliness, alienation and freedom which are the main themes of existentialism.

Existentialism, Ayşe Şasa, Şebek Romanı, Science Fiction, Dystopia, Mysticism.

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