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Anklet, which has been used since the first periods of known history and is encountered everywhere where people exist; While it is widely used in Iran, Egypt and India, its use in our country has generally been in our Southeastern provinces. It is understood that it was widely used among European peoples, from the fact that it was found in tumuli after 1800 BC in almost every region of Europe from the fronts of the Alps to the Danube, from the Rhine to the Rhôn. While the forces of the evolution, continuity and dissolution of the world were at the feet of the god Shiva, one of the most important names of Indian belief, it became the symbol of slavery at the feet of 14 to 20 million Africans who moved from the Black Continent to America. In Divan literature, it has become an image that appeals to aesthetic feelings in some of our poets such as Bâkî. The sense of pleasure and enjoyment of beauty and beauty, which is the natural tendency of human beings, has brought along the search for beauty and beauty. Anklet; For thousands of years, it has been evaluated in different ways and for different purposes. While sometimes restricting her freedom as a symbol of slavery on her ankles, it sometimes became a symbol of elegance on the ankles of women, and sometimes took its place on the feet of domestic pigeons, taking the name "hışhış". Sometimes it turns into an object in order to smuggle snakes at the feet of Yörük women, and sometimes it becomes a messenger on the child's ankle to be aware of when the baby sleeping in the tent wakes up. It has undergone changes with different time, space and cultural environment, and even if it is used as an ornament and an element of elegance, it has been produced from different objects according to the fine tastes of each society and transferred to future generations and has continued its existence.

folklore, anklet, aesthetic, elegance, slavery

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