Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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During the field studies we carried out in the spring of 2021, it was determined that some memorates about the Khidr myth are kept alive among the people. These memorates, which were compiled from approximately fifty sources, were obtained by compiling from the Turkish oral tradition, regardless of a certain region. In the compilation studies carried out within the borders of the Republic of Turkey, the compilation of materials from different provinces is in question. Although the provinces, geographies and cultures where the compilation was made are different, it has been seen that the beliefs and beliefs about Hızır have similar motifs in the oral tradition. It is one of the results obtained from the compilations that today's Turkish people have a strong belief in Hızır and they see him as a parent type who helps those who are in distress. It has been understood by examining the compiled texts that Hızır came to help not only those who are in distress, but also those who have various mental problems and health problems. Another belief about Khidr comes out when he is treated inappropriately. Accordingly, it was understood from the compiled texts that dissatisfaction, empty hand or reprimand of an elder who was later understood to be Khidr will be the cause of disasters to come at a later time. It is possible to deduce the common opinion about this from the texts.

Hızır, Hıdrellez, İlyas, Nevruz, Memorat, Cult.

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