Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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The Tanzimat Period, which was the beginning of the modernization movement, became a time when the discussions about the place of women in society began and the subject of women was carried to literature. In the Servet-i Fünûn Period, in which the individual was put at the center, although women were removed from being a part of family and tradition and made visible with their private life, inner world, feelings, and thoughts their problems were not directly discussed. When it comes to the Second Constitutional Monarchy Period, the social position of women is handled more comprehensively both in social life and the literature. During this period, women united around various associations and expressed themselves by distributing magazines and publications.In the National Literature Period, in which life orientation and social issues were the main focus, a transformation occured in the fictionalizedcharacters in literary parallelto the change in society. Struggling, productive, determined, and idealistic women appeared in the stories. The women who became one of the most active subjects of the modernization process with the Republican Era and their problems are discussed in detail in the novels and stories. In addition to the various problems that women from every walk of life face in their individual and social life, it is seen that many themes related to their existence are carried into literary texts. Kevser Ruhi is one of the writers who stands out with herhandling of women's problems in the last period of storytelling. While the author presents sections from the lives of the characters that has been chosen from various social segments in her stories, she also gives an intense place to women's issues. This study deals with determining the women's problems that are discussed in Kevser Ruhi's story books named Kehribar Kadınlar, Saçları Deli Çoruh and in the stories from different anthologies.

Kevser Ruhi, literature, story, woman, woman’s problems

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