Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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In this work we extracted Syriac words from Burhan-i Katı, Turkish translation of Muhammed Hüseyin b. Halefi Tebrizî (1652) by Asım Efendi. Turkish translation was printed first time in 1799. We use 1799 edition of Burhan-i Katı. Firstly we wrote the dictionary in arabic script in accordanca with page and line number constituting as a database. And then filtered Syriac or Syriac related words which is 86 items. After that extracted related with herbal headwords which is 52 items. Then these words compared with Dehkoda and Steingass’ Persian dictionary. In Dekhoda we found all words in Asım Efendi’s translation. In Steingass 6 words are missing and we explained why they are missing. Finally we compared words and definitions with Dehkoda, Steingass and Dioscorides’ De materia medica. We concluded that there is no meaningful mistake and difference with Tebrizi and Dioscorides. In future may be some reserchers can find small issues if they can it helps us to trace backward to mediaval Islamic and Ancient Greek Science.

herbs, plants, dictionary, Syriac, Persian, Asım Efendi

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