Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Humorous narratives such as latife and anecdotes have a rich literature in oral and written culture. While most of these humorous narratives were written in prose in a narrative style, some of them were interpreted in verse. One of the jokes written in verse during the Ottoman period is Sivaslı Edîb's unknown Hekîmnâme. The only available copy of the work is the author's own manuscript and is located in Ankara University Faculty of Language History Geography Library İsmail Saib I 1846. Written in simple Turkish, this 144 couplets of poetic anecdote is written in the verse form of masnavi. The work is about the tricky game played by a wine-loving Rind in order to meet the Armenian Hekim, whom he is in love with. In the work, which has a short introduction of four couplets, which we can call preface; first, the states of the Armenian Hekim and Rind are described at length, then Rind's conversation with Hekim, his actions to obtain Hekim and the process of reuniting with him are described. In this study, the unknown poetic anecdote called Hekîmnâme and its author Sivaslı Edîb are discussed. In the introduction, the joke and letaif genre are briefly mentioned. In the first chapter, based on the available data, comments are made on the identity of Sivaslı Edîb, the author of Hekimnâme. In the second part, the only known copy of Hekimnâme is introduced and its language, style and spelling features are mentioned, followed by a summary of the work. In the last part, the original of the work is presented in a Latinized form.

Sivaslı Edîb, Hekîmnâme, Folk humor poem, Joke, Humor.

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