Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Battles of Geok Tepe, which took place between 1879-1881, is a war fought by the Turkmen for the sake of independence.Even though Battles of Geok Tepe resulted in painful losses, it has an important place in the memory of the Turkmens and is a war that best represents the national unity. Geok Tepe Castle, which was established to prevent the attacks of the Tsarist Russia, is described as the last stronghold of Turkmen independence. This war, which the Turkmen gave to the Tsarist Russia with the means they did not have and which resulted in a tragedy for the Turkmen, was inevitably reflected in the Turkmen literature. However, the Battles of Geok Tepe were tried to be erased from Turkmen memory and history on the grounds that they were against ideology, especially with Stalin's coming to power in 1924 during the Soviet Union period. 1879-1881 Battles of Geok Tepe, which were tried to be erased from the memory of the Turkmens by the Soviet power, were brought to light again with the independence of Turkmenistan. In this context, Turkmen history has been rewritten and various literary works have been written about the Battles of Geok Tepe. Nargılıç Hocageldiyev is another person who wrote works about Battles of Geok Tepe during the independence period. In his works, Nargılıç Hocageldiyev tried to regenerate the Turkmen national identity by focusing on the lives lost in the Battles of Geok Tepe, the bitter face of the war and the total war given in the name of independence in his works. In this study, Nargılıç Hocageldiyev's story Ynam, which deals with the bitter face of the Battles of Geok Tepe, its destructiveness, and the shattered and destroyed lives, will be examined.

Battles of Geok Tepe, Turkmen literature, Ynam, story.

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