Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Iranian minstrel tradition has an important role in the Turkish world. It is possible to talk about this tradition in almost all regions where Turks live in Iran. Dudak değmez (not touching lips) poems is one of the types of poetry that can be seen among professional minstrels who have a very competent and wide vocabulary. The “b, p, f, v, m” letters should not be in the poems because they cause the lips to stick (touching) together. The presence of these letters will cause the sharp stick or needle that is placed between the poet's or minstrel lips to injure and damage their lips. In this manuscript, the famous Turkish minstrel and poets (in Iran) in the field of dudak değmez (not touching lips) poems will be investigated. They include “Hasta Kasım, Hekim Telim Han, Miskin Hüseyin Balovlu, Vali Miskinli, Kaşam Caferi, Ululu Karim, Sakineh Elyas Kızı, Sadruddin Ağayi (Atef), Kanber Hakiki, Eloğlu and Hüseyin Sai”. In this study, the biographies of both the minstrels who lived in the past and adhered to the tradition and the minstrels who are alive and continue the tradition will be discussed. As a result, it is seen that the tradition existing in the region continues to exist with the same function in Türkiye and Azarbaijan.

Iran, Tradition of Minstrel, Minstrel, Dudak Değmez, Lebdeğmez.

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