Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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As a word meaning "hidden, veiled, difficult to understand, a word or thing said by means of sign and remiz"; as a literary term, "enigma", which is the name of a genre that includes riddles organised for the purpose of concealing a name, is a literary skill that is thought to have emerged in Arabic literature according to the current information, from there it passed to Persian literature and became an independent science and its theory was put forward to the finest detail. In classical Turkish literature, the enigma, the first nuclei of which we see in the 15th century and which experienced its golden age in the 16th century, managed to become a genre that attracted the attention of the commentators. In particular, Emri's enigmas, which are considered to be the cornerstone of classical literature in terms of writing enigmas, made a name for themselves both in his own period and in the following periods and were considered as verses worthy of commentary by the commentators. Muammâyî Ahmed Çelebi's Şerh-i Muammeyât-ı Emrî is one of the works written with this understanding. This work, which contains Emrî's enigmas, the first name that comes to mind when it comes to enigmas in Turkish literature, has an important place in terms of solving his enigmas and revealing their literary value. In our study, after briefly mentioning the information about the concepts of "commentary and enigma" in Turkish literature, Muammâyî Ahmed Çelebi's Şerh-i Mu'ammeyât-ı Emrî is introduced together with its copies.

Classical Turkısh literature, commentary, enigma, Muammâyî Ahmed Çelebi, Şerh-i Muammeyât-ı Emrî.

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