Türük Uluslararası Dil, Edebiyat ve Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi Türkçe
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Hand-weaved materials that are a part of national culture are not used in social and economic life as a result of the change and the development of technology. Denizli, having a rooted weaving history, is quantitatively rich with regard to textile terms which fall into oblivion with the decrease in usage of hand weaved materials. In Denizli accents, there are many terms on traditional weaving that have not been transferred to written language. Thus, it is important to make a research on traditional hand weaving terms that are still living in Denizli accent but perhaps will be forgotten and lost in a very short period of time. This research is limited to the terms in Denizli accents about the raw materials used in the production of textiles, the traditional manufacturing techniques, the tools and equipment used, the names given to people dealing with the profession of weaving, and the general weaving terms. With this study, 277 terms are determined on traditional weaving. Thus, it is aimed to avoid the loss of the vocabulary of the traditional weaving, to pass this culture-related information to future generations, to contribute to the studies on finding Turkish terms corresponding to foreign weaving terms, and to determine Turkish term affixes from the collected data in Denizli accent.

Denizli accent, term, vocabulary, hand weaving, hand weaving terms

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