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Âzerî İbrahim Çelebi was an important poet of the second half of the 16th century. Âzerî, known for his mathnawi titled Nakş-ı Hayâl, belonged to a well-established family of scholars. The poet, who died young, is reported to have a diwan in some sources. However, a copy of his diwan has not yet appeared. Âzerî’s many poems in ghazal and musammat style found a place in the poetical miscellanies of the period and were also published in some academic studies. The least known poems of the poet are his qasidas. 11 qasidas of Âzerî have been identified in five poetical miscellanies. Five different researchers have Latinized the texts of nine of these poems based on a single copy. This article includes the rest of his qasidas for the first time. Five of Âzerî Çelebi’s qasidas were written in praise of Sultan Selîm II. The poet also wrote one ode each about Sultan Murâd III, Hoca Sa?deddîn, Bostanzâde Mehmed Efendi, Sokollu Mehmed Pasha, and Nişancı Mahmûd Çelebi. It is not known for whom a qasida was written. This article consists of three parts. In the first part, the life and works of Âzerî are emphasized. Based on the mühimme book numbered 51, some essential details about the poet’s private life have been pointed out. In the second part, the poetical miscellanies containing the qasida are introduced, and information is given about the method followed in the text edition. Afterward, evaluations were made about Azeri Çelebi’s published qasidas. After the qasidas were examined in terms of their content, their form, language, and style features were emphasized. The last part presents the critical texts of eight qasidas and the Latinized texts of three qasidas.

Âzerî İbrahim Çelebi, qasida, madhiya, poetical miscellany, Selîm II.

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