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Hikâyet-i Dîniyye is registered to in the National Library Manuscripts Collection 06 Mil Yz B 76 inventory number in the National Library of Ankara. The author and date of writing of the work are unknown. However, as a result of the language examination, it has been proven that it belongs to the Old Anatolian Turkish period which constitutes the first stage of Western Turkish. The work, consisting of 87 leaf, contains 98 religious stories. In addition to language features, there are also uses that will contribute to vocabulary. Although it is thematically a religious work, the mythological depiction contained in a story is remarkable. In the story, there is a depiction of an angel who came to see the earth after the earth was created, an ox with forty thousand horns and feet sent from heaven, and the ox standing on a fish named Lusiya, also sent from heaven. The features that make this story remarkable and studyable are as follows: The story begins by stating that it is narrated from the companions, includes elements belonging to the Islamic religion, and similar examples and miniatures of the depiction contained in the story also appear in different written sources. As a result of the examinations and comparisons made; there is an Islamic influence and change in the depiction in this story.

Hikâyet-i Dîniyye, Turkish Mythology, Mythological Elements, Ox, Fish

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